About me

I’m an undergraduate doing research in Data Mining group at Northeastern University, supervised by Associate Prof. Shi Feng.

My main research interests are Generative Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Model, Multimodal Large Language Model, Diffusion, and Empathic dialogue.


05/2024: One ACL 2024 paper is accepted on Multimodal Large Language Model for Empathic dialogue

02/2024: One LREC-COLING 2024 paper is accepted on Multimodal Dialogue Response Generation

08/2023: Won the National First Prize in 2023 China College Student Computer Game Competition

07/2022: Won the National Third prize in The 21st National College Robot Competition ROBOCON2022 “Machine equestrian competition”

07/2022: Won the Second Place in The 21st National College Robot Competition ROBOCON2022 “Create brilliant together”